Josh Brenner is a good looking guy with an extraordinary talent he feels is a curse - He's telepathic and he can't find the mute button, so he lives in solitude. But one cold night in March on his usual trek to the store, Josh runs into a hungry agitated vampire bent on taking his frustration out on Josh.
Barely escaping with his life, Josh confides in stranger he has an instant connection with. Before they know it, Josh and Lanie find themselves running for their lives from a deadly rogue vampire. They find themselves in California at the home Darby O'Rielly, a friend of Lane's from college, but Darby's on her own quest in Massachusetts trying to find Devon. Rowan and Blake step in to help the two with the aid of Dean, Sally and Blake's uncle Dominic.
What does this determined vampire want and why? And is he willing to kill for it? As the story begins to unfold, more puzzling questions arise. Will they figure things out in time before someone is killed? You'll just have to read it to see!